Marriage is not always easy — it can be a rocky road littered with potholes and ups and downs. Married couples may from time to time question their commitment to each other. For most, the positives of marriage override these concerns and life continues on, but for more than 40 percent of married couples, this is not the case.
Divorce is a huge decision, one that doesn’t happen overnight, or even over several weeks or months. No one goes to bed feeling great about a marriage and wakes up the next morning deciding to seek divorce. Quite often this decision is reached after years of debate, and sometimes that debate goes on without one’s spouse even being aware there is a problem. But once a spouse finally decides to divorce, it’s unlikely he or she will be willing to retrace the chosen path.
The real key at this phase of a marriage is to attempt to discern if there’s a problem in the relationship that goes beyond a temporary annoyance. This is a major fork in the road, and you must calculate which direction you’re going to go.
One or both of you have reached a decision that a parting of the ways is the only solution at this point. There are two basic ways people approach deciding to divorce. One is to mutually discuss it, and the other for a spouse to initiate divorce proceedings.
By this stage in the process, you should have assembled a team of professionals to guide you through the divorce proceedings — which are unique to your marriage. This is the time to try to separate your emotions from your financial decisions.
The divorce decree has been finalized and signed off by the courts. Divorce Financial Planning, LLC stands ready to help you implement your future financial needs and goals. More importantly, we will stay with you for as long as you feel you need our support.