Divorce Financial Planning LLC


Here is a quick summary of the information you will find on this website. These points are discussed in greater detail throughout the website. If you are in a hurry for answers, you can call Divorce Financial Planning LLC and schedule a discrete consultation. The first 90-minute conversation is charged as one hour. My hourly rate is $250.

Facts of Life:

  1. Divorce is far more expensive than you realize. The retainers are often just down payments.
  2. You and your spouse will have less money after the divorce than before you started the process, regardless of the divorce process you choose.
  3. The more you mix your emotions with your finances, the less money you and your ex-spouse will have after the divorce is finalized.
  4. If there is any chance that you and your spouse are amicable, please consider collaborative divorce. Divorce Financial Planning, LLC can personally and professionally recommend excellent collaboratively trained attorneys throughout Virginia and the Washington DC area.
  5. If you have children, a collaborative divorce may be less stressful on them than a traditional divorce.

The goals of Divorce Financial Planning, LLC are:

  1. Minimize the cost of your divorce as much as possible.
  2. Provide balance to both parties so that the less financially involved party understands the financial issues and is comfortable accepting financial responsibility for their decisions.
  3. Providing supplemental personal financial tutoring where necessary.
  4. Although you may not be happy with your settlement, you will be able to live with it.
  5. Help you create a financial settlement that minimizes future conflict in the next chapters of your life. In other words, if you have children and they marry; your children will be able to invite both of you to their wedding and not fear that you will both show up. Second, if your children have children, you will both be welcomed that first day to hold your grandchild – together.